DoorScore has found 11 potential value concerns and 73 superior features at or near 123 Shields Avenue and derived the following property DoorScore. Review the findings below.
Modules below with a green border are within confidence guidelines and are seen as innocuous issues that should not affect property value.
Modules below with a red border are outside of confidence guidelines and should be treated as issues requiring further investigation.
Your selected property is assigned a unique DoorScore, allowing you to help ascertain your properties value and livability. A DoorScore is a numerical representation out of 100 of your properties ranking within the neighbourhood and street using hundreds of pertinent variables. Complex proprietary algorithms are used to determine your DoorScore
DoorScore determination will change as new data is continually added.
City Rank
The overall neighbourhood rank in the city out of 140
City Rank
Properties in lower-ranked neighbourhood's may face challenges including safety concerns, decreased property values, limited access to amenities, slower infrastructure development, and reduced community engagement, affecting residents' well-being.
Neighbourhood Equity Score
Neighbourhood rank out of 140 of economic opportunity, social development, health, & surroundings
Neighbourhood Equity Score
Properties in neighbourhood's with bottom 50% rankings in economic opportunity, social development, health, and surroundings face challenges like fewer community resources, inadequate urban planning, and barriers to upward mobility.
Subway Track
This properties distance to an above ground or under ground subway line which can cause noise or vibration
Subway Track
Living near a subway line can disturb neighbourhood with noise, risk structural damage from vibrations, lower aesthetic appeal and property values, increase safety concerns around entrances, and affect market desirability.
Parking Tickets On Block
This number of parking tickets on the street block in the last calendar year
Parking Tickets On Block
Homes near streets with many parking tickets encounter parking frustrations, tense atmosphere, potential impact on property values, increased scrutiny and disputes over parking rules, impacting residents' quality of life.
Disclaimer: The material provided on this website represents the best judgment of the author in light of the information available at the time of preparation. Any use which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance or decisions to be made based on it, are the sole responsibility of such third parties. The author accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of decisions made or actions based on this data. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, it may be outdated or in error, but is provided by sources deemed reliable. Users are urged to consult with the specific authority for advice concerning specific matters detailed in any indivdual module displayed before making any decision, and the author disclaims any responsibility for positions taken by individuals for any misunderstanding and losses, directly or indirectly.