Doorscore For:

123 Shields Avenue

DoorScore has found 11 potential value concerns and 73 superior features at or near 123 Shields Avenue and derived the following property DoorScore. Review the findings below.


Your selected property is assigned a unique DoorScore, allowing you to help ascertain your properties value and livability. A DoorScore is a numerical representation out of 100 of your properties ranking within the neighbourhood and street using hundreds of pertinent variables. Complex proprietary algorithms are used to determine your DoorScore

0 - 50
51 - 65
66 - 90
91 - 100

DoorScore determination will change as new data is continually added.

City Rank


The overall neighbourhood rank in the city out of 140

City Rank

Properties in lower-ranked neighbourhood's may face challenges including safety concerns, decreased property values, limited access to amenities, slower infrastructure development, and reduced community engagement, affecting residents' well-being.

Neighbourhood Equity Score


Neighbourhood rank out of 140 of economic opportunity, social development, health, & surroundings

Neighbourhood Equity Score

Properties in neighbourhood's with bottom 50% rankings in economic opportunity, social development, health, and surroundings face challenges like fewer community resources, inadequate urban planning, and barriers to upward mobility.

Subway Track


This properties distance to an above ground or under ground subway line which can cause noise or vibration

Subway Track

Living near a subway line can disturb neighbourhood with noise, risk structural damage from vibrations, lower aesthetic appeal and property values, increase safety concerns around entrances, and affect market desirability.

Parking Tickets On Block


This number of parking tickets on the street block in the last calendar year

Parking Tickets On Block

Homes near streets with many parking tickets encounter parking frustrations, tense atmosphere, potential impact on property values, increased scrutiny and disputes over parking rules, impacting residents' quality of life.

Disclaimer: The material provided on this website represents the best judgment of the author in light of the information available at the time of preparation. Any use which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance or decisions to be made based on it, are the sole responsibility of such third parties. The author accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of decisions made or actions based on this data. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, it may be outdated or in error, but is provided by sources deemed reliable. Users are urged to consult with the specific authority for advice concerning specific matters detailed in any indivdual module displayed before making any decision, and the author disclaims any responsibility for positions taken by individuals for any misunderstanding and losses, directly or indirectly.

Frequently Asked.

A DoorScore is like a Walk Score "on steroids":

  • Broader Range of Factors: While Walk Score primarily focuses on walkability and access to amenities, DoorScore evaluates over 150 factors, offering a much more extensive analysis of a property. This includes aspects like area attributes, infrastructure, complaints, stigmas, construction quality, crime rates, hazards, and property records.

  • Detailed Neighborhood and Street Rankings: DoorScore goes beyond the general vicinity and provides detailed insights into specific neighborhoods and streets. This level of detail surpasses what is typically offered by Walk Score, which tends to focus more on general walkability and transit scores.

  • Color-Coded, Easy-to-Understand System: DoorScore’s use of a color-coded system for easy navigation allows users to quickly understand and assess different aspects of a property. This user-friendly approach enhances the experience compared to the more straightforward numeric scoring system used by Walk Score.

  • Comprehensive 'Credit Report' for Properties: DoorScore acts like a credit report for properties, providing a comprehensive look at various factors that influence a property's value and livability. This is a more holistic approach compared to Walk Score, which is more narrowly focused on walkability and transit access.

  • Customized Algorithm and Weighted Analysis: DoorScore’s use of proprietary algorithms for evaluating properties provides a tailored and nuanced understanding. It calculates scores based on a weighted analysis of various modules, offering a more sophisticated and customized evaluation than Walk Score’s standardized approach.
Each data point found for each property is colour coded. This is determined based upon the distance or count of the feature at the searched address. For example, a property near the subway would be presented as green if it is within a reasonable walking distance. If access is too close, noise and traffic will be an issue – the icon will show red. Similarly, the icon will also show red if the property is a long walk to the subway. Colouring of icons is you help you quickly spot potential value concerns and icons in red should be further investigated with an appropriate professional.
DoorScore analyzes hundreds of factors that may affect the relative value of a property in market value and livability. Points are awarded based on the number of negative and positive lifestyle events and value critical amenities closest to the property in six categories: crime, hazards, noise and neighbour complaints, street and neighbourhood amenities, construction activity (at the property and on the street), and schools available at the address. Proprietary decay functions are used to give points based on distance, median, standard deviation, and mean within the city, the neighbourhood and street.
Data presented is retrieved from multiple sources and are deemed accurate from the source. Where the source data is incorrect, the presentation of the data will also be questionable. The data provided is a suggestion for additional scrutiny by you or an expert in the respective field. It is a suggesting to look further into concerning items. If you find a concerning data point, please let us know here and we will do our best to review it.
Icons are suppressed when a feature is too far to have any impact on property value. Further, any feature that may have questionable data or missing data will also be suppressed. For example, a property that is over 3 KM from a hydro corridor has little to no impact on the property being reviewed and is not displayed, whereas in a different search it may be based on its proximity to the searched property. These features still play a role in overall DoorScore determination.
Go here for additional questions and details regarding a data point.
DoorScore Pro is in the works and is positioned to be a significant asset for realtors, slated to be available in the near future. Although these advanced features are not currently accessible, realtors can look forward to integrating DoorScore’s comprehensive modules into their websites soon. This upcoming access will allow real estate professionals to supercharge their site listings with extensive, data-driven insights and provide a deeper, more nuanced view of properties to their clients. The promise of DoorScore Pro is to offer an enhanced way to showcase properties, with a clear emphasis on preparing realtors to elevate their market presence. Join the waitlist to be notified of launch here.
DoorScore data encompasses a significant region in Toronto, Canada, spanning from Highway 27 in the west to Steeles Avenue in the north, extending eastward to the Pickering Town Line, and reaching down to the Toronto shoreline in the south. This coverage area ensures that our comprehensive ranking system provides valuable insights and detailed information about residential properties within these specified boundaries. Whether you're a buyer, seller, or real estate professional, DoorScore offers a thorough evaluation of properties in this specific Toronto area, facilitating well-informed decisions in the city's vibrant real estate market.
DoorScore’s are available for many building citywide. The address entered is the building address without a unit number. Note that your score will only take into account variables that impact the unit outside of, or within the building – not the unit. Zero values for data points mean the data is derived on the condominium’s total units, not your specific search.